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Book Blogger Insider Tag

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Hello everyone! I came across this post this morning whilst browsing on Birdiebookwormblog. I commented on her post because I loved the answers she had given and she was kind enough to tag me in it. Be sure to check out her blog! She posts book reviews, tags and so much more! I asked David if he would like to join in on this tag and he said yes. So here we are both our answers to the Book Blogger Insider Tag.


1) Answer the questions below

2) Credit the creator Jamie @ A Little Slice of Jamie

3) Tag at least 5 people

4) Have fun!


1) Where do you typical write your blog posts?

Lois: Most of the time I write them in bed but sometimes if I have the time I will write some whilst free at university or when I am out and about.

David: As I am new to blogging, so far I have only written blog posts sat on my bed at home. However, I’m sure that I will likely start writing them whenever and wherever I can.

2) How long does it generally take you to write a book review?

Lois: I would say it takes between an hour and an hour and a half depending on the book. Sometimes I can write a review extremely quickly because I know exactly what I want to say about a book, other times I struggle with what I want to say.

David: It has usually taken me about an hour to two hours to write my reviews so far once i start them. Starting them off is normally the hard part for me though and I can spend ages, sometimes up to 20 minutes, deliberating over how I should start my reviews.

3) When did you start your book blog?

Lois: I started Loisreadsbooks in August 2016 after wanting to start a book blog for a long time. At first I was unsure about what to post but as time went on I got the hang of it.

David: I joined Loisreadsbooks just this week in January 2017. I was worried at first about the reception I would receive, especially on my first review, however it was very positive and I got a warm welcome to the book blogging community.

4) What is the worst thing about having a book blog in your opinion?

Lois: Trying to keep up on all the social media accounts for my blog and the networking. I am always self conscious about promoting my blog to other people, especially authors, as I am always worried that I am going to annoy someone. Plus I am not that much of an organised person.

David: For me the worst thing about being part of this blog is having to put up with Lois… just kidding!

In all seriousness it would have to be that I want to constantly put up content to help Lois get views and followers on her blog, but that I am now starting to run out of books which I have read recently enough to give a good review. It frustrates me that I can’t read fast enough to put out a review every day or two.

5) What is the best thing about having a book blog in your opinion?

Lois: I would definitely have to say the community. Everyone is so lovely in the book blogging community and it is nice to have somewhere to talk to people about something you love doing. Buying and reading books!

David: For me the best part of blogging is the rewarding feeling I get from writing reviews. As I did A-Level English literature I always had the skill to write well. But having to do it in a school environment and to the demands of a mark scheme took a lot of the joy out of writing for me to some extent. However, now that I have started writing again for pleasure, I have rediscovered the joys of writing for writings sake. I would also have to agree with Lois that the community is really nice and always gives me really positive feedback which is again very rewarding.

6) What blog post have you had the most fun writing so far?

Lois: I wouldn’t be able to pin it down to just one blog post. But writing the Top Ten Tuesdays every week are always a lot of fun for me to do. They are always such unique and fun topics to write about and I really enjoy joining in with all of those who participate in it weekly.

David: So far I would probably say that this very tag has been the most fun so far. Me and Lois have written these answers cosied up together and it has been great fun just talking through our answers.

7) What is your favourite type of blog post to write?

Lois: As mentioned in the question above, it would have to be Top Ten Tuesdays. Every week I get to write about new books I have just found out about, or books I have been looking forward to for months. It is just a very good post to find out about new books being released in the future.

David: As I am new to the blogging world it is a bit difficult to say. So far this tag has been the most fun, but I imagine that reviews will probably be my favourite type in the long term as I truly get to practice my writing skills in that kind of post.

8) When do you typical write?

Lois: Typically I write most of my posts in the late or early evening, depending on when I get home from university. But I sometimes write them mid-afternoon on my days off.

David: So far I have written all of my blog posts in the evening normally after 4pm, as I am in uni 4 days a week. I will probably start writing some posts in the morning on my days off though.

9) Do you review every book you read?

Lois: I review most of the books I read. But some books such as graphic novels I have read recently or the Roald Dahl books I read last year I haven’t reviewed. I’m not sure why I didn’t review them I just don’t think I had the time.

David: I will review any book that I read however I have a rule that if I am to review a book I must read the entire thing and I must have read it within a reasonable time frame. I believe this is the fairest way of doing it as I don’t feel I can review a book that I couldn’t finish (though I suppose that does say something about the book!) or that might not be fresh in my memory.

10) How do you write your book reviews? With a cup of coffee or tea? With Netflix? Cuddled with your fur baby?

Lois: I usually write all my book reviews in a notepad first (I am weird like that). But it means that I can have my laptop open with Netflix playing an episode of the TV show I am watching at the time. At the minute that would be A Series of Unfortunate Events (review pending).

David: With a cup of tea. As a bloke, who have notoriously poor multi-tasking skills,  I can only just about bring a cup to my face and write a review without spilling boiling tea all over myself and my laptop (touch wood!). Anything else is too much of a distraction and breaks my focus and train of thought.

11) When do you write your book reviews? Right after finishing the book? Two weeks after finishing the book?

Lois: I usually write my reviews a week after I have read the book. I like to let a book mull over in my mind and then I can work out exactly what I want to say about the book and how it made me feel. But sometimes I have been known to write them the day after reading them.

David: As I have only just started writing reviews, I have been catching up on a backlog of books I finished recently, within the last three weeks or so. However, now that I am almost caught up completely, I will probably start reviewing them as soon as I have read them. I like to get all my thoughts down as soon as possible so I don’t forget all of my ideas.

12. How often do you post?

Lois: I usually try to post at least 1 or 2 reviews a weeks, as well as posting the weekly memes that I join in on every week. So I would have to say it is usually between 3-4 posts a week.

David: I have managed to post 4 reviews and have participated in this tag so far this week. However now that I am caught up on books that I have already read, I would expect this to decrease to 1 or 2 reviews a week and possibly more tags (if Lois lets me!). We are aiming between us to manage at least a post a day if we can.

We Tag:

Crystal @ Lostnagoodbook

Reg @ Shelatitude

Rakel @ Mirakelbooks

Cathy @ Whatcathyreadnext

Jess @ Beaucoupbooksblog

There you have it, our answers to the Book Blogger Insider Tag. Hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to answer the questions even if you aren’t tagged!

Be sure to check out Book Depository using our link: Loisreadsbooks

Find us on Twitter @Loisreadsbooks and on Goodreads here.

Until next time, 






24 thoughts on “Book Blogger Insider Tag

  1. I loved all your answers, and I love that you guys tackled this together. I think it brings something new to your tags that you both answer together

    You’re so right, trying to keep up with social media accounts is hard. I’m terrible at it. I spend all my time writing my posts, and blog surfing. I rarely go interact on twitter or Facebook.

    Filling a calendar is also hard. For Birdie Bookworm I wanted to have an array of content, reviews, discussion topics, tags, features… it’s a big undertaking. I’m sure that it’s a help that you’re both readers, and you’re working together on this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! We thought it would be fun to do together. I’m so bad at social media! I was the same. Now David has joined I might be able to but having uni and a blog is definitely hard to do everything!


  2. Thank you so much for tagging me 😀 Great answers, I really like this tag. It takes me 2-4 hours to write a review sometimes. It is starting to get easier the more I write. It would be easier for me to write in Norwegian, but I like the challenge of having a blog in English.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re more than welcome! Thank you 😊 wow that is a challenge! You must be extremely good at English because I sure couldn’t write a review in another language! I look up to you for that 😊


      1. I’m better at English now than I was when I started my blog 😛 A few years back I started reading in English, that is when I found booktube and YA books. I figured YA books was easier to read than adult books. Reading in English has helped so incredible much.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s about time that there more male book bloggers/reviewers! Any time I do a Tag I very rarely tag any guys…
    It is nice that you did this together, and I think by having two of you working on the blog it can be different to other blogs as you have two different voices.

    Liked by 1 person

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