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The Seven Deadly Sins Book Tag

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Hey guys, it’s Lois! I’m back and feeling a lot better. I was tagged by the lovely Zuky @ Bookbum in the Seven Deadly Sins book tag a long time ago but I have finally got round to doing it. Zuky is lovely and you should really check out her blog.

So, without further ado, here is the Seven Deadly Sins book tag.


What is your most inexpensive book? What is your most expensive book?

1bMy most inexpensive book would have to be something that I was given as a present by my parents. They buy me a few books on my birthday each year. Last year they bought me Holding Up the Universe by Jennifer Niven, so it would have to be that.

51TxMvAVDQL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgMy most expensive book would have to be one of my Harry Potter Illustrated versions. I am going to have to go with the Chamber of Secrets. The illustrated versions of the books are beautiful and I daren’t read them in case I spoil them.



What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

rainbow-rowellI really cannot think of an author for this. If I love an author I love that author and if I dislike an author I dislike an author. But I suppose at points I can love Rainbow Rowell’s books but a few of them I’m not a fan of. So, I’ll have to go for Rainbow Rowell.


41hB6RMAWdL._SX320_BO1,204,203,200_What book have you devoured over and over with no shame?

I have read a few books over and over with no shame. Matilda by Roald Dahl was one that I read over and over when I was younger and have done recently. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell is one that I have read a few times and still love it. As well as Faceless by Alyssa Shienmel.



25663643What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?

I am really bad for buying books and then not reading them for a long while. I bought Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher over 2 years ago I think. I meant to read it on holiday the year I bought it but never did, now it stares at me every time I see my bookshelf.


What book do you talk about in order to sound like an intelligent reader?

poster_1984_lrgThis question is hilarious. I read YA most of the time and that isn’t what most people would class as an intelligent set of books. So, even though I haven’t actually read it I talk about 1984 by George Orwell quite a bit. David have read it multiple times and I have watched the film with him many times so I think I have quite a grasp of the book and the message behind it. Definitely after David’s posts on it on this blog.


What attributes do you find attractive in male or female characters?

In terms of male characters, I just like it if they have a sense of humour and aren’t too serious. They can’t be horrible and I’m not a fan of jock characters. That is about it.

In terms of female characters, I cannot stand girls that are in a popular group at school or in the work place. I don’t like it in real life so I won’t in books. Just give me a nice girl or group of girls that actually care for one another and aren’t too hung up on their own looks.


What book would you like to receive as a gift?

Give me any book I have spoken about in the last 3 months or so and I would be incredibly happy. But I would absolutely adore a first edition Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone to finish off my first edition collection.

Tag You’re It!

Jackie @ Toomuchofabooknerd // Richard @ The Humpo Show // Diana @ Dianaprincereviews // Crystal @ Lostnagoodbook

I hope none of you have been tagged in this before!

Thanks again to Zuky for tagging me in this. It was a lot of fun and i’m glad to be back blogging!

Be sure to check out Book Depository using my link here: Loisreadsbooks

Find us on Twitter @loisreadsbooks,on Goodreads here on Bloglovin’ here and don’t forget to follow us!

Until next time,


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