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Top Ten Tuesday: Things on my Reading Wishlist


Hello all and welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday! This week’s top ten topic is things on my reading wishlist. This week’s topic was a freebie, so I thought I would show my favourite book covers. Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted the The Broke and the Bookish.

So without further ado, here is this weeks Top Ten Tuesday, things on my reading wishlist.

1) Books where the main character is already in a relationship

I would love to read more books where the main character is already in a relationship at the start. Not a relationship that they have been in for a week, one which they have been in it for while so a year or two. I could get lost in that sort of story.

2) Books with the parents being more important characters

I feel like I have been reading a lot of books recently where the parents are a part of the story but they don’t actually play a big part of the story. I just wish there was a book out there where the mother and daughter had a spectacular relationship and that was actually shown in the book.

3) Books with university students of uncommon subjects

I can only recall reading books about people at university or college studying science subjects or medicine and english. If there was a book out there focused on a media student because thats what I was. Or a language student, basically just a student of a subject that is seen as uncommon.

4) Friendships that stay friendships

I just want to read a book all about friends and just staying friends. Friendships seem to always change into relationships in young adult books. Just a book where its about friends staying friends and having fun as friends.

5) Dogs

Give me books where the main character has a pet dog and the book mentions them and their dog. A lot of people have dogs but in books it seems to be ignore. I’d love a character who after a bad day sat down with their dog and told them all their issues.

6) Standalone Books

More books that don’t have sequels or prequels please. I just want a book that tells a good story you finish it and that is it. Your imagination is sent running trying to think of what happens after the book. Sometimes I don’t want to have to read about all that in another book, I just want to think it all up myself.

7) Books that contain my name

I have never in all of my life read a book that contains my name. I know Lois is quite an obscure name but I would love to read a book and there suddenly be a character named Lois.

8) Books about readers

I would love to read books about readers. People that would much rather stay inside on a Saturday night with a book instead of going out and partying. I could relate to them characters a lot more but I would love to just see another readers perspective when they are reading a book.

9) A book with advice for all the random teenage issues

If there was a book that could give you little bits of advice for if you had a bad day with a friend. Or big things like should I go to university or get a job and what to do if you don’t like university. When I knew I wanted to leave university I would have loved to have something to read with advice for issues like that.

10) What to do when you are bored

1001 things to do when you are bored. Be that a film to watch, a book to read, a craft to do. Anything just give me things to do when I am bored. It is summer and I am bored a lot!

There you have it, this weeks Top Ten Tuesday, things on my reading wishlist! Let me know in the comments things on your reading wishlists, as well as leaving links to your Top 10 Tuesday!

Be sure to check out Book Depository using my link here: Loisreadsbooks

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Until next time,


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