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What Happened in January?

What Happened in?January has been an incredibly long month! It has also been an extremely challenging month for me. I haven’t read much at all this month. January seems to have gone on for ages. I am certainly ready for February to start and have a brand new month to look forward to. Here is what happened in January!

LineWhat I Rea

I had a horrible reading month this month. I am not sure why and can’t find just one reason as to why I didn’t read much. I read just one novel. I am halfway through another novel and in the middle of an audio book but I just haven’t been in the mood to read. I’ve also been incredibly busy and finding time to read has been hard.

  • Slay on Tour by Kim Curran (Novel) 4β˜…β€˜s


Top 5 Posts

I had quite a good month for posting on the blog in January, I am hoping I have got back into my blogging flow. I am quite proud of what I have posted this month and hoping that this will continue for the rest of the year! Here are my top 5 posts for January!

LineReading Goal

CaptureI decided to set my reading goal lower than the books I actually plan on reading this year. This way I am not putting any pressure on myself to read any books. I do hope to read over 30 books this year though. I am currently 1 book behind schedule but that is because I had a horrible reading month. I am hoping next month is a little better for me when it comes to reading. I am still putting aside Β£5 for every book I read this year and saving it all up!

LinePersonal UpdateJanuary for me has felt like one of the longest months in a long time. I did have a lot of fun this month but in between the fun I did have a bit of an odd month.

I started the month off wonderfully by having a day out with my best friends. We did some shopping, eat delicious food and saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I have such a wonderful time with my friends.

I then spent a weekend in London with my wonderful Mum, where we went to see Hamilton! I love spending time with my Mum and this weekend was particularly wonderful. Also, Hamilton was spectacular. I am actually going to see it again in May. I cannot get enough of it!

I then went to see The 1975 with my sister. We are both big fans of the band but have never seen them together. Although we had to move seats because our original view was of a speaker, the concert was excellent. The 1975 are excellent to watch live and if I get the opportunity I will certainly be going again. Whilst at The 1975 concert I got to go and talk to my wonderful friends Sarah and Sophie from The Little Contemporary Corner. They had also gone to see The 1975 and weren’t too far away from where I was sat!

I finished the month at the TEENSgate blogger meetup at Waterstones Deansgate. As usual these meetups are wonderful and always make for a wonderful afternoon. It was lovely to see a lot of bloggers and spend time chatting about books. I cannot wait for our next meetup.

Although I had all these wonderful events this month I have struggled with other things. I won’t go into too much detail but I have had a lot of trouble with sleeping, work and life in general this month. I am hoping next month is better for me and as always I am staying positive!

LineThat’s it January is over. I cannot wait to see what FebruaryΒ holds. What has your January like and what have you read? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Reading

23 thoughts on “What Happened in January?

  1. The idea of putting aside money for every book is great! I might just do that myself 😊 I have no idea why I was in such a slump too, but onwards and upwards!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What matters is that you still read a book! Hopefully February will be better reading wise! But look at you having a good time this month! Also I’ve been doing the same, saving up a certain amount of money after every book I read for the 3rd year now, and it works so well!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I hope you have a better month in February! It sounds like you have a lovely family 😊
    I wish there were blogger events near me, sounds like so much fun.


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