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Reading Habits

reading habitsHappy Monday everyone! One of my resolutions for 2020 was to read more and to spend more time reading in a day. I thought I would write a little post all about my reading habits and how I would like to change them this year.


One thing I struggled with doing last year was spending more time in the evenings reading books rather than watching TV or playing video games. Within in the first few weeks of January I have gotten myself into a new routine when it comes to reading and relaxing in the evenings.

I still spend time watching TV and playing video games, but an hour or so before I go to bed, I stop watching TV or playing my video games. Instead, I get in bed and curl up with whatever book I am reading for at least half an hour. Not only does it mean I read more before bed but it also mean I put my phone down a while before going to bed and actually switch off from technology and the rest of the world. I have certainly been sleeping better and have felt more relaxed because of this.


I don’t get a lot of time during the day, especially when I am working to read. Despite the fact I work in a library we don’t get time to read here whilst working. One chance I get to read whilst at work though is on my dinner.

I have an hours dinner break whilst in work and I tend to read on this break. I eat my dinner which doesn’t take too long and then spend whatever is left of that hour reading. I don’t always use this time as reading time though, if I don’t feel like reading I don’t force myself to read instead I go out for a walk or talk to my colleagues. But I do get a lot of my reading done whilst on my dinner because it is a excellent thing to do to take my mind off work.


When it comes to weekends, I enjoy waking up when I don’t have plans and reading for an hour or so in bed. I want to make more time this year to have more time spent reading on the weekend and time actually relaxing rather than not actually having a break at the weekend.

When it comes to reading habits, I don’t want to force myself to read if I am not feeling it. Also if I want to take a break from reading that is more than okay. I would like to get into a much better routine though over the next year when it comes to reading. Who knows how much more I will read, what else I will read and how much more relaxed I will be.


LineThey are all my reading habits at the minute, but I would like to recap this towards the end of the year and see how my reading habits have changed then. What are your reading habits like? Are you happy with them or would you like to change them this year?Happy Reading



9 thoughts on “Reading Habits

  1. Over the past couple of days, I have been really enjoying waking up and reading in bed, when I don’t have to be at work of course lol! It has been such a nice and relaxing thing. I need to get better about reading before bed because I also always end up just watching TV.

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