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2020 Goals Recap!

At the start of the year I made two blog posts. One contained my blogging goals for the year and the other contained my reading goals for the year. These goals have motivated me throughout the year and I want to see and talk about how I’ve gone on with them. I plan on setting some new goals in 2021 but, for now here is a recap of my 2020 goals!

LinePost Regularly and Schedule Posts Early


This one is quite a simple one, but this year I want to make sure I post regularly and schedule these posts early enough that I don’t panic about them. I am going to keep writing a blogging plan for each month which is full of post ideas, posting dates and little ideas about each post. I am hoping that I can complete this one.

2020 Blogging Goals

I’ve definitely posted regularly throughout 2020 and for that I am really proud. I posted every couple of days on the blog throughout the year! In terms of scheduling posts early, this happens sometimes and other times I write the blog posts the day it goes live. I am still using my blogging plans though and plan our each month of posts before the month begins and I stick to it as best I can. Let’s hope I get better at scheduling posts next year!

Interview More Authors


One of my favourite things I’ve had the opportunity to do whilst blogging is interviewing authors. It will never not amaze me that I have had the opportunity to interview so many amazing authors. I cannot wait to see what interview opportunities come my way this year.

2020 Blogging Goals

Obviously due to the current world situation, this hasn’t happened as much as I had hoped to this year. I haven’t had the change to attend many book events in person or had the chance to talk to authors. I have interviewed (via the internet) some incredible authors though this year and it was so much fun. Here’s to more author interviews next year.

Be More Active on Social Media and Bookstagram


This year I want to be more active on social media. I want to Tweet more and keep up with posting pictures on my Bookstagram account. I want to keep up with my theme and plan the pictures to go up on my account and when. Also, I would like to branch into Instagram stories this year when possible. The last social media goal I have for the year is to finally use my Pinterest page I created for the blog and learn more about the sites. I want to read all tips other bloggers have on Pinterest and take them on board!

2020 Blogging Goals

I have done a little more on social media in 2020 than I did in 2019, I think. I’ve created a brand new theme on Instagram, which I love and I even did a few Instagram stories. These were stories I actually talked on as well and not just images which felt like a really big step to take, so I am proud of that. Social media has been quite a toxic and harmful place at times this year, so I’ve not spent as much time on there as I have in previous years. So I haven’t Tweeted more and I definitely haven’t branched out into Pinterest just yet. Fingers crossed for next year.

Read 40 Books


In 2019, I originally set a goal to read 30 books but ended up reading 100 books. I don’t want to pressure myself into reading 100 books in 2020 because I feel I will not enjoy reading at all. I feel like I can get to 40 thought and if I do I will be extremely happy!

2020 Reading Goals

Well, I exceeded this one and at the time of writing this I have read 121 books. I think this year has been an extraordinary year so that has affected my reading but giving me a lot more time to read. I don’t think I’ll read that much next year but we shall see. I’m so proud of how much I’ve read this year.

Organise my Reading Habits


I don’t have good habits when it comes to reading at the minute but I want to change this. I read on my lunch break and I want to continue doing this in 2020. Also, I want to make an effort to read some nights rather than watching TV. Also, I want to read for at least 30 minutes before going to be rather than going on my phone. I just want to make my reading habits more organised.

2020 Reading Goals

Again, this year has been an extraordinary one and of course during lockdown I had a lot more time to read. I think I read every single day of lockdown. Quite often I read a whole book each day. Now that life has returned to the new ‘normal’, I have read everyday on my dinner and I am also reading before bed at night and whenever I’m free.

Read Outside my Comfort Zone


At the minute I am very set in reading my favourite genres, contemporary or thrillers. This year I want to step outside my comfort zone and read things I would never normally read or pick up. So, I would quite like to read some fantasy and sci-fi books in 2020 and see what I think!

2020 Reading Goals

I think I have started doing this during this year. I have read and tried to read a couple of fantasy books in 2020 and I’ve even picked up a couple of sci-fi books. My hope is that next year, I read even more outside of my comfort zone.

Organise a Book Event


I currently work at a library that runs very few books events, especially for young adults. So, in 2020 I want to organise and run a couple of book events at the library especially fo young adults. I am going to be starting this with a book club and I cannot wait to see what happens throughout the year!

2020 Reading Goals

This goal started out the year very well. I hosted a couple of book events, specifically book clubs and even started a film club. But, then covid happened and all events were put on hold. I am hoping to restart the book club when that is possible and cannot wait to see what happens with it.

There you have it, my 2020 goals recap. I think I have done quite well with my goals this year and I am really happy about it. I cannot wait to see what 2021 has to hold! Have you achieved your goals this year? Let me know in the comments.

5 thoughts on “2020 Goals Recap!

  1. Wow congratulations on doing so well with your reading and blogging goals this year! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ I really admire you for doing author interviews as I haven’t been brave enough yet. Also I hope you get to restart your YA book events at the library next year as they sound like a great idea! πŸ“šβ€οΈ X x x

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