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Sunshine Blogger Award

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I was looking for something to post today when Fiona @ Finding the Plot of my Life came to my rescue by tagging me in the sunshine blogger award. I have done this tag before but it always has different questions, so I am excited to take part in it again!

Screen Shot 2017-12-05 at 15.30.59Rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
4. List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo in your post/or on your blog.

Screen Shot 2017-12-05 at 15.30.59Fiona’s Questions:

36382717What was your last 5 star/new favourite read?

I just finished My Heart Goes Bang by Keris Stainton and I loved it so much. It was nice to read a YA that is set in university as I haven’t read any set in university before. I didn’t have the typical university experience by living at home and only going for one year, so reading this book made me think of my time at university and I loved this book.

What is your favourite animal?

Dogs! I loved dogs so much. I have a list of dogs I want when I have my own house and it is very long!

If you could pick any 2 authors to write a book together, who would they be?

Alice Oseman and Lauren James! I want a sci-fi, contemporary crossover written by these two. I love Lauren and Alice’s work and would love them to write together.

What is your favourite book trope?

I just love it when books focus on friendships rather than relationships. I enjoy friendships in books a lot more than relationships.

3016_01Is there a place in the world you are desperate to visit? Why?

Tokyo Disneyland! I love Disneyland so much and I am going to Disneyland Paris for my 21st birthday but I would also love to go to Tokyo Disneyland one day.

Hot or cold beverages?

A mixture, I love hot chocolate but I also love coca cola, water and apple and blackcurrant squash. It just depends on what mood I am in.

51EvCMabaOL._SX316_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgWhat books are you excited to get your hands on in the second half of 2018?

No Fixed Address by Susin Nielsen. I love her books and I am super excited about this one. I actually have an ARC of this book but I can’t wait to get my hands on a finished copy.

What is your dream job/career?

I would love to work in the marketing department of a publishing house.

How do you keep track of your reading?

Goodreads mostly but I also have a list in a notebooks.

Favourite bookish quote?

In new situations all the trickiest rules are the ones nobody bothers to explain to you and the ones you can’t good – Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.

Favourite genre to read?


Screen Shot 2017-12-05 at 15.30.59My Questions:

  1. What one book would you recommend to everyone?
  2. Favourite author?
  3. Beverage of choice whilst reading and writing?
  4. Favourite book of 2018 so far?
  5. Hogwarts house?
  6. How many books do you hope to read this year?
  7. Which three authors are auto-buys for you?
  8. What was the last book that you bought?
  9. What made you start a blog?
  10. Favourite quote?
  11. What was the last book you read and what did you think?

Screen Shot 2017-12-05 at 15.30.59I Tag:

Ellie – Ellie in Book Heaven
Beth – I Am Book Mad
Zoe – Abooktasia
Luchia – Luchia Houghton
Gemma – Gems Curiosity Blog
Emma – A Dreamers Library

I could not find 11 bloggers to tag! Fiona and Meggan tagged all the people I was going to tag!

Screen Shot 2017-12-05 at 15.30.59

Thank you again to Fiona for the tag! I had a lot of fun doing this.

Be sure to check out Book Depository using my link here: Loisreadsbooks

Find us on Twitter @loisreadsbooks,on Goodreads here on Bloglovin’ here and don’t forget to follow us!

Until next time,


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