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Recent Reads I’d Recommend

We are four months into the year and I’ve read 34 books so far in 2024. Some have been good, some have been okay and others have been amazing. So, I thought it would be fun to share some of the the books I’ve read so far in 2024 and would recommend. Here are some recent reads I’d recommend.

The night after her father’s funeral, Claire meets Lucas in a bar. Lucas doesn’t know it, but it’s not a chance meeting. One thoughtless mistyped email has put him in the crosshairs of an extremely put-out serial killer. But before they make eye contact, before Claire lets him buy her a drink, even before she takes him home and carves him up into little pieces, something about that night is very wrong. Because someone is watching Claire. Someone who is about to discover her murderous little hobby.

The thing is, it’s not sensible to tangle with a part-time serial killer, even one who is distracted by attending a weekly bereavement support group and trying to get her art career off the ground. Let the games begin…

This is actually the book I’ve read most recently and it took me by surprise with how much I enjoyed it. I was intrigued by the concept of it when I saw it in an airport shop last year.

So, I was excited to read it when it finally arrived in the library. Don’t get me wrong this book is dark but it has some moments of humour throughout. Its story kept me hooked and I would highly recommend it if you are looking for a dark yet humorous book.

It is an unusual thing, to live in a botanical garden. But Simon and Gregor are an unusual pair of gentlemen. Hidden away in their glass sanctuary from the disapproving tattle of Victorian London, they are free to follow their own interests without interference. For Simon, this means long hours in the dark basement workshop, working his taxidermical art. Gregor’s business is exotic plants – lucrative, but harmless enough. Until his latest acquisition, a strange fungus which shows signs of intellect beyond any plant he’s seen, inspires him to attempt a masterwork: true intelligent life from plant matter.

Driven by the glory he’ll earn from the Royal Horticultural Society for such an achievement, Gregor ignores the flaws in his plan: that intelligence cannot be controlled; that plants cannot be reasoned with; and that the only way his plant-beast will flourish is if he uses a recently deceased corpse for the substrate.

The experiment – or Chloe, as she is named – outstrips even Gregor’s expectations, entangling their strange household. But as Gregor’s experiment flourishes, he wilts under the cost of keeping it hidden from jealous eyes. The mycelium grows apace in this sultry greenhouse. But who is cultivating whom?

I picked this one up completely on a whim whilst on a weekend break away. The synopsis intrigued me so I bought it without reading any reviews which I don’t do often.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this one. It is thrilling, at times scary and very unique from anything else I’ve read recently. If you are a fan of horror, how plants and fungi can bring joy and havoc at the same time, this is one for you.

Will and Rosie meet as teenagers.

They’re opposites in every way. She overthinks everything; he is her twin brother’s wild and unpredictable friend. But over secret walks home and late-night phone calls, they become closer—destined to be one another’s great love story.

Until, one day, tragedy strikes, and their future together is shattered.

But as the years roll on, Will and Rosie can’t help but find their way back to each other. Time and again, they come close to rekindling what might have been.

This is one that I picked up as it was recommended for fans of One Day and I’m so glad I did give it a read. It is a very captivating and character-driven story and as someone who loves it when a book focuses on a character, this made me happy.

One of my favourite things about this book is the fact it covers more than just Will and Rosies teenage years which I feel doesn’t happen often. I would highly recommend this one.

Deep underground, thirty-nine women live imprisoned in a cage. Watched over by guards, the women have no memory of how they got there, no notion of time, and only vague recollection of their lives before.

As the burn of electric light merges day into night and numberless years pass, a young girl – the fortieth prisoner – sits alone and outcast in the corner. Soon she will show herself to be the key to the others’ escape and survival in the strange world that awaits them above ground.

This is one that I picked up on the recommendation of my best friend and it was excellent. I read through it in a matter of hours and it blew me away. It is a small and quick read that packs an intense punch.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, it will make you reflect on every word that is said throughout the book. It left me feeling sad but reflective and I would highly recommend it.

There you have it, recent reads I would recommend. What books have you read recently and would recommend? Let me know in the comments!

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